Write For us
We’re always looking for new authors. You can write for us if you’ve new idea that will challenge our readers and help them, we want to hear about it.
The Yuvas have a large number of the student community who are actively depending on learning with the Yuvas for competitive exams and technical studies. Your content written for us will inspire student and their community and also provide a platform for you to reach your voice to make it the voice of Young Talented Students.
Also reach for sponsered post
1. Word Count and Writing
We accept articles which have a clear and complete idea with a word count of 750+ words. We believe that an article shorter than that does not allow for the proper construction of a viewpoint or opinion.
Readability of the article is also given priority and so require structural integrity of the piece, including sectioning, headings etc look clear.
Your article must be free of grammatical and spelling mistakes.
2.Unique Relevant Content
When writing the content keep the main goals and challenges in mind so you can make the content relevant to our target audience.
We DO NOT accept
Pre-published articles, Plagiarized piece, Marketing or promotional content (i.e. marketing Purpose Guest Post or to avails a particular one benefit is not recommended).
Our blog is aimed to be helpful for the student community. Hence, to achieve this objective, we only publish fresh, clear and relevant content.
We accept guest posts only on education and career-related topics such as –
Article related to competitive exams of any streams or departments, including school-level exams and preparation, Entrance Exam to various Colleges, schools and coaching, Careers, Perspectives on the education industry.
3. Image/Graphics
Provide high-resolution .jpg, .jpeg, .png format image along with your article to Visualize the Content.
Cover image must be at least 1200 x 628 px in dimensions.
All images should be visually clear and demonstrative (high resolution). Illustrations are pretty cool too.
Must use images relevant to the content.
4. What Next – Write for Us
Don’t forget to send a photo of you or a short bio and a link or an email that you’d want to be shown in the author section. We give a brief introduction or the ‘About the Author’ at the end of Your Article There May be any backlink in that. Content copyrights belong to us.
Articles for Reference:
- Top 7 High Paying Jobs In Computer Science
- Daily Tools Getting a New Life in the Classroom
- NDA 2020: Exam Dates, Pattern, Syllabus, eligibility
Guest Posting Guidelines Do’s
- Submit 100% original content
- Write longer than 750+ words
- Give practical and actionable tips
- Add relevant images to describe the points you mention
- Don’t Copy Paste Content
- Link to supporting resources and other helpful guides online
- Make sure there are no spelling or grammar mistakes
- Format your article so it’s easy to read
- Use bullet lists, and Headings etc
Guest Posting Guidelines Don’ts
- Write purely for search engine
- Include affiliate link in your article
- Add links to low-quality content (we will remove it)
- Include stock photos that add no value to your writings
- Over promote yourself or your website or your products
- Contain keyword-focused links in your bio (only brand names allowed)
Contact us -
Guest Post Charge - $100/ post.
Email Us at:
Get the contact information from contact us page.
Note that all posts must also follow editorial guidelines. We look forward to hearing from you and write for us.