Don’t you want to have an extra source of income? Don’t you want to do something that can help you to earn for a long time even if you do not work? Don’t you want to boost your earning by doing small work in your spare time?
Starting a blog is the best way to start an extra income source in your free time where you can fulfil all your monetary requirements. You can do it better by having the skill of coding. But here is the best to earn fast and easily through blogging.
So who am I to teach you how to earn money by creating a website/blog. I have myself generated a good income with blogging. I am not a blogging ninja but I am doing it in my free time and I spend a very little amount of my daily time writing and maintaining a blog.
I would say blogging is the best way to earn a side income in the area of your interest, where your passion lies.
Blogging is a great way for working people, housewives, and students to be financially free by creating a side income source because you can:
- Work at your own time and place
- Create an automated income source
Even you can earn more than 10 times or even more by becoming a successful blogger. But blogging has not been only a side income source. Many bloggers turned into full-time blogging career and left their job. But you don’t have to have its impact on your daily life or leave full-time job for a side income.
So are you ready to get started to learn how to create a successful blog and earn more than $1000 a month?
Before starting I would like to say if you find any question please ask in the comment, I try to resolve your query as soon as possible.
How to create your blog?
There are two most popular blogging platforms: Blogger and WordPress. Blogger offers you to create websites easily but there are a lot more customisation in WordPress where you can do anything you want.
I would also recommend you to use wordpress for creating your blog because it is really necessary for the blog to be converting so that it can help you to create an impact with beautiful design and layouts.
Creating a blog is creating your own brand but initially you do not need to have more investment in purchasing expensive hosting services and themes.
To launch your website you need a domain name and hosting. There are so many domain name and hosting provider services from where you can buy. Sign up for Bluehost it provides you hosting services for $2.95 per month with a free domain name for 1 year – I recommend trying the best deal in buying your domain name and hosting.
The steps of creating blog with wordpress is listed below:
- Choosing the nitch
- Selecting your domain name
- Choosing the best wordpress hosting
How Can You Find A Profitable Niche For Your Blog?
Choosing the nitch is the first step to start a profitable blog. Blog niche is the field or topic where you would like to write blog post on. Blogging can be fun if you choose your nitch wisely because it is required to be consistent and enjoy the topic to write on.
Your nitch can be anything like learning to code, digital marketing, business tips, travel guidance, jobs, cooking and exams etc.
What is a good nitch?
Before starting the blog you should care these 4 tips to choose a good nitch:
- Your interest and knowledge
- Monthly searches
- Business value
- Expansion opportunity
So it is important for you to start your blog on the topic that you really enjoy, you should have knowledge and skill to entertain audience for a long time and can write many topics generate value for them.
People generally miss guided and choose a nitch which is trending and more profitable but they have not their knowledge and interest in that domain.
Let’s suppose you love cooking and you have done well in this field and you can build your audience base in this industry by providing them value.
Then your next step would be choosing the domain name.
How To Choose A Domain Name And Hosting For Your Blog?
A domain name is the name of your website/blog. Choose a short domain name it should be easy to type, pronounce and remember. A domain name has it’s own value shows the reliability of your blog. Get Hostinger Review in Hindi.
Avoid boring names and choose a domain name that makes users to click on your blog because the domain name is your trademark. It shows what type of services you are providing and it must be actionable.

A domain name usually cost between $10 to $20 per year. But if you go with it gives you free domain name if you’re buying their hosting services. They offer a secure way for hosting your website, with good customer support and reliable services. When your blog grow your income will also grow and then you can extend from basic plan to plus or pro plan.
So head over to and click on choose plan.

Choose your hosting plan that you like, you can go with the basic plan because initially your site will have no or little traffic and you can extend the holding plan further. Because the basic plan also consists of a wide range of services and helps you to host a single website with extra fast SSD storage that helps to make fast requests.

Create a free domain name with bluehost, find a uniquely available domain name that you can use. You can also use a domain name that you have purchased from elsewhere in your site and host your website.
There are many domain name extensions like “.com”, “.us”, “.in”, “.net”, “.org” etc. It depends on your target audience. If your target audience is based in a specific country you can go with the extension of that country like “.in” extension for Indian companies. “.com” is the most popular TLD location extension to target customers who are all around the world and it’s important for your SEO also.

Finally Bluehost will ask you for basic user details that you can completely and no point to talk here.
After completing all setup you need to install wordpress on the site and start customising your WordPress blog. Have a look at worpress admin panel. Set up the blog as it gives you basic wordpress themes and setup.

Follow the below video, it will teach you every step to set up your blog and make it functioning.
How to Monetize Your WordPress Blog
There are many ways to monetize the wordpress blog but in the early stage your target should not be directly to make money.
Work on creating value for at least 3 months. Blogging is also a test of your persistence and one point should be clear that there is no limit to how much you can earn by writing the blog posts.
But I am mentioning you five ways to earn through blogging:
- by placing google ads
- by affiliate marketing
- selling your own services and products
- launching online courses
- sponsored reviews
Please comment below if you want me to elaborate on these topics because I will be writing on the topic you want. Too much information in this post, get some more posts.