Want to Apply for NTSE Exam paper?
NTSE Exam Paper, Application process, Exam Pattern, Stage 1 and Stage 2
Get All Information About NTSE Exam paper, its application process and all stages of examination including selection process, Exam pattern, Syllabus and application form details .

NTSE is the most prestigious National Level Scholarship Exam to select candidates for scholarships in India. Students in class 10th must apply for this nse exam paper 2020. This article will help you get all the information on NTSE exam paper and process. The candidates who want to prepare for this exam or who have already appeared in this exam for stage 1 or stage 2 can read this article. You will get to know what is NTSE, the eligibility for the exam, how to prepare for this exam and NTSE exam paper.
Table of Contents
What is the NTSE exam?
NTSE is a national level scholarship exam to select the candidate for Scholarship. This exam is conducted to identify the talented candidate for higher studies in Science and social science. The NTSE exam is conducted for class 10th studying students. More than 15 lakh candidates apply for NTSE Exam paper but only two thousand of them get the NTSE scholarship.
NTSE Exam is Conducted by NCERT to select the deserving candidate for by helping in financial support as a scholarship for completing further studies. Only a limited number of candidates are awarded scholarships.
There are two stages of the NTSE Exam.
- Stage I – State Level Exam
- Stage 2 – National Level Exam conducted by NCERT
A student who qualifies in NTSE Stage 1 is eligible to apply for NTSE Stage II exam. All states and union territories have a different number of available quotas for the selection of a candidate in this exam. More information is available on your state or union territory official website of education. More details on NTSE paper and patterns must visit the NCERT website.

NTSE Exam eligibility criteria
Candidates who want to participate in the NTSE exam must fulfil the NCERT criteria for NTSE. The eligibility criteria include age limits, class in which the student is studying, marks obtained in the previous class. Candidates must qualify all these criteria we have listed. The eligibility covers to appear in the NTSE Exam and get a scholarship in the final selection procedure is also covered.
NTSE 2020 Registration Eligibility
The eligibility criteria for NTSE Exam are listed below:-
- Class 10th studying students from various government or private recognized schools like Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya, Kendriya Vidyalaya, etc can apply for this exam.
- For stage 1 NTSE exam candidates can apply from their respective state or union territory.
- State or Union territory provides separate eligibility criteria based on factors like the number of candidates applying and minimum qualifying marks in the previous class of students.
- Candidates should not be employed. There are no criteria for domicile candidates. Candidates should be above the age of 18 during the time of applying the application of exam form.
- Candidates from distance learning can also apply for this exam.
- Students who are studying abroad or in the country can apply for this exam. He must be Indian by nationality.
NTSE Selection Procedure

NTSE exam is conducted in two-stage:
Stage 1 is conducted for class 10th studying students. Stage II is conducted at the National Level by NTSE. Candidates must have to qualify Stage I for applying for this exam.
NTSE stage 1 (State Level Examination)
NTSE stage 1 exams conducted in November. This exam is conducted at the state level. The Exam is conducted in offline mode.NTSE Exam paper pattern for Stage I
NTSE stage 1 exam is conducted in two parts – NTSE Exam Paper 1 and Paper 2. Paper 1 is a mental aptitude test (MAT). Paper 2 is SAT or scholastic aptitude test. The question paper covers 120 minutes with hundred marks each.Name of Exam | Scholastic Aptitude Test |
Exam taking body | SCERT |
number of questions | 100 |
Time Allowed | 120 minutes |
Total marks | 100 |
NTSE Stage 1 Result
Each state separately releases the result of NTSE stage 1. For more information check their official website. The candidate has to pass the minimum qualifying marks of the exam to get selected for the stage 2 exam. Minimum qualifying marks for different categories are mentioned below:- General/Obc category minimum qualifying marks are 40%
- For SC / ST and Physically handicapped students, minimum qualifying marks are 32%.
NTSE Stage 2 Exam
Candidates who qualified for stage 1 exam are eligible for appearing in the stage 2 exam. This exam is conducted by NCERT. Stage 2 is a National level exam. Exam pattern, and syllabus same as stage 1. The candidate’s Indian nationality can apply for this exam.NTSE Stage 2 Result 2020
The result for stage 2 is generally declared in August. But due to the lock down, the result has been postponed by the board from 10th May.NTSE Exam Paper 2020 - Application Process
Application form for the NTSE exam can be downloaded from your union territory official educational website. Read the instruction and notification carefully. Candidates can read the eligibility download the application form. A physically signed application form by your school principal is paid. Submit the form at the mentioned address.
What is the NTSE scholarship?
NTSE scholarship is the financial help that students who qualified the exam get for completing further studies.
- NTSE scholarship for class 11th and 12th studying students is Rs 1250 per month
- The scholarship amount for students is studying for undergraduate or postgraduate are paid Rs. 2000 per month.
- There is a fixed amount of scholarship for Ph.D. Students according to UGC Norms.
Postponement of NTSE Stage 2 Exam Paper
NTSE stage 2 exam is canceled. The exam was to be held on 10th May 2020. All the latest information about NTSE will be communicated through this website.

NTSE Exam’s exam date will be released shortly. When the lock down will break NTSE will release the Admit card for stage 2 exam for the students who have qualified stage 1. NTSE stage 2 admit card is likely to be released in the last week of May.
Steps to Download NTSE Stage 2 Admit Card
Here are the ways by which you can download your admit card:
- Visit the official website of NTSE.
- Then the Candidate can enter your application number and date of birth.
- Check the details and download the admit card.
- Take the printout of the admit card for further reference.
NTSE Admit card contains information such as exam venue, exam date, and time.
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)
NTSE syllabus is based on class 10th and a little bit of class 11th 12th. Students who are preparing for the NTSE exam need to go through the whole syllabus. The exam is divided into two parts: Mental aptitude test and scholastic aptitude test. The syllabus covers subjects like Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Social Studies, and General Knowledge.
Candidates who are studying in class 10th and are appearing first time in the board exam can apply for NTSE Stage 1 exam. The application form is available on your state educational website.
NTSE exam is conducted to find talented candidates and nurture them. The main conducting body of this exam is the National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). NTSE stage 1 exam is conducted by respective states and union territories. Stage 2 exam is conducted by the NCERT board.
To apply for NTSE exam candidates are advised to download the application form. Take a printout of that. Contact your school’s principal for Signature. Then only the application form will be valid. Finally submitted to the mentioned address.
You can apply for NTSE Stage 1 Exam from July to September. Whereas they conduct the exam in November. In states like Meghalaya and Mizoram, this exam is conducted on the second Saturday of November in positive circumstances.
There are many advantages to being an NTSE scholar. The government awarded them with the scholarship of 1250 rupees for class 11th 12th students. Further, they get 2000 rupees. Apart from getting the scholarship amount, they get various other preferences for higher studies. They get a discount on various courses and books. Even if they go abroad they get benefited from extra quotas. Many Colleges in India reserve seats for NTSE scholars. It will provide you with benefits during NDA selection and will highlight your CV.
You cannot apply for NTSE in class 11th. NTSE exam is conducted for class 10th studying students.

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