This article will help you to crack the PPDT Test and will provide you with the PPDT Story Format. Picture perception and discussion test being a part of SSB screening test is one of the most important tests in the 5 day SSB Interview.
SSB Interview is the next exam after you get qualified in the written exam. CDS Exam and NDA Exam both consist of SSB interviews. and the PPDT test is conducted on the first day of the SSB interview. It is extremely important for the candidates to stay at SSB for the next 4 days. Due to a lack of information and so preparation candidates do not perform better in the ppdt picture story.
SSB Screening Test
SSB exam is conducted in two-phase The phase of SSB interview exams are as follows:
- Stage 1 – screening test
- Stage 2 – Psychology, GTO, and Personal Interview.
Day of Arrival
When the candidate first arrived at SSB their interview, their interview starts on the next day or the same day based on the schedule.
When you first arrive at SSB you will be given the space to stay and some instruction about do and don’ts at SSB. These instructions are related to some disciplinary activities, rules, and regulations of the exam.
On the day of arrival, candidates are also required to fill the PIQ forms. The information filled in the PIQ form becomes the basis of the exam. The personal information furnished in various exams during this five days process is matched with the PIQ form. Candidates should carefully read the PIQ form and fill the required details. If you want to know the hack of PIQ form, read the PIQ form PDF.
Screening test consists of two exam
- OIR test
- PPDT test
OIR Test in SSB
This is the first test conducted as a part of the SSB interview.OIR test is an MCQ based test consisting of verbal and nonverbal reasoning. Candidates are given a question booklet containing 30 to 60 questions.
There are two OIR tests conducted with no interval. The time allotted in the test is according to the number of questions asked. You may not need to mark in the question booklet.
An OMR answer sheet is provided to the candidate. The OIR test is similar to other intelligence tests conducted by various exams. Based on the performance of the candidates their officer intelligence rating is calculated.
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PPDT Picture Perception and Discussion Test (PPDT Stories)

As the name suggests this is the test of writing a story on the picture and then discussing the story.
PPDT test is very important in the SSB interview as a part of a screening test because the candidate who does not qualify the exam is sent back on the same day. To retain your stay at SSB you have to qualify the PPDT test.
This test is powerful enough to remove undesirable candidates and filter candidates who have some chance to qualify for the SSB interview.
How is PPDT Test Conducted
After completion of the OIR test, the PPDT test is conducted. Candidates are shown a picture for 30 seconds based on the picture they are allowed to write a story.
According to the value perceived in the picture, they have to write a story under 4 minutes. Thereafter candidates are made to sit a semicircular row of 15 to 20 candidates each to narrate and discuss the story.
Every candidate is given approximately 1 minute to narrate their story.
The narration starts by revealing the number of characters shown in the picture, their age, gender, mood, and action. When all candidates are finished with their story they are allowed to start the discussion.
The group is supposed to arrive at a common group story by the contribution of candidates. One of the candidates nominated by the group has to deliver a common group story to interviewing officers.
All the interviewing officers – GTO, Psychologists, and Interviewer mark candidates during narration and discussion. You should not look at them rather show your performance in the discussion.
40% to 50% candidate retains at SSB and qualify this test. The intelligence test is generally easy to crack. Therefore screening test primarily relies on the PPDT test to inter the next stage.
How to Write a Perfect Story for PPDT

To write a story in PPDT test you can use your own format. The given picture offers you an idea about how you can write a story for the PPDT test.
Markdown number of characters you have seen, gender, and their moods. What is the action reflected in the image will be your action part on which your story depends.
You should complete your story within the allowed 4 minutes. Choose one person your hero in the story. The character specified by the hero will be your reflection of character on this test. Candidates should write a neat, understandable, and grammatically accurate story.
The below example provides you with an idea of how you can write a story for the PPDT test as ppdt sample pictures.
PPDT Picture for ssb with Story

No of characters 2, Age – 35 to 40, Gender – M, M
Mohan and Amar were two farmers. They were brothers. They do not have their farmland and worked in somebody other’s farm. Bing the elder Mohan holds the responsibility to heads his family. By working on someone other’s farm, cutting down their expenditures, and saving their income they buy a small piece of land and sow paddy. Both of them work hard, care for the crop, and irrigate the field regularly. Finally, when the crop becomes ready they cut their crop by themselves and sell it in the nearby town. By doing so they mark a decent benefit. They were quite familiar with the large gap of price in the market and the price at which grains were sold by farmers. They use this profit to open a godown in the village and buying other farmers’ crops at reasonable rates. Everyone appreciates their work.
What idea you have learned from this story
The story is divided into three parts.
Introduction – Mohan and Amar are very underprivileged farmers and they do not have their land. Mohan is the elder and regulates the family’s needs.
Action Part – They are living together and so saving their expenditures. They buy a small piece of land for farming. Both of them sow paddy on the farm, care for the crop, and sell it by marking an adequate benefit.
Conclusion: Earn profit and use the money opening a godown that helps them to buy crops of other farmers and provide them a reasonable price and they are broadening their business.
Qualities assessed in this exam:
How you make a vibrant and logical story from a picture decides your intelligence and imagination. You should not spend these30 seconds in writing the story. Keeping your focus concentrated on the story for 30-second help you to evaluate the background and create logic for the story around the background.

When candidates narrate and discuss the story their power of expression and self-confidence is examined.
Assessor looks at the impact created by the candidate by expressing their valid opinions, leadership qualities, and social adaptability among a large number of candidates and interviewers.
They also examine motivation, and preparedness to participate in the conversation. This is a widespread filter to eliminate unsuitable candidates for this exam.
PPDT Stories with Answers
Sticking to one PPDT story format has proved beneficial for candidates. A proper style of writing plays an important role when you have to maintain consistency to complete the story within the time allowed period.
PPDT story format is also important for productively utilising your time and writing in a pre-designed style for ppdt stories with answers we have provided. The idea here is not manipulating the story in the wrong direction. You have to think or relate in such a way that the story, characters, scene and overall theme must be consistent.
If you have a proper logic about, why you have to choose a character as your hero, does the character show any accomplishment or does he/she cover a maximum portion of the image?
Mistakes Normally Made in SSB
- Candidates use preconceived stories as they have studied and practiced from internet and SSB books this is the certain case of rejection of candidate
- Manipulating the story in different directions and deliberately speculating extra characters.
- Intentionally inserting a problem and solving the problem has a story part that shows the originality of the candidate.
- Some of the candidates do not come from the English background they can feel uncomfortable in narrating and discussing the story
- Being nervous in narrating or discussing the story.
- Taking part in narration but do not speak any work during discussion shows a lack of confidence.
- Some candidates write a large story that does not compete within the allowed time and they abruptly end the story or continue to speak after the time-ups.
- Dominating the discussion and not allowing others to speak is also a sign of undesirable candidates.
Screening Test Result
Approximately 1 hour after the exam the result of the screening test is declared. One of these accessors comes with a card in his hand to declare the result. Qualified candidates are given new chest numbers and those who do not qualify for this exam are sent back on the same day by providing their TAs.
Final Thoughts
This was the information on SSB PPDT test preparation. Let me know if you have any question in the comment below.
The Yuvas will be providing you all necessary information related to the SSB exam and other Government and skill development courses.
Sir how to write positive story from wierd pictures in which way to thought at that time to write positive story from wierd pictures.
sir can you please send me ppdt images
Sure I can but you can practice on any picture on internet. My recommendation is to use the book by NK Natarajan for practice of overall everything for SSB where you can find many PPDT real pictures.