Officer Like Quality for SSB interview. 15 OLQ inSSB completely explained. We have provided you complete SSB OLQ you need to know to crack the SSB interview.
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Officer Like Qualities – OLQ in SSB
Do you feel SSB interview is very tough to crack? Genuine saying, SSB is one of the toughest interview exams in India.
Here are some clues on how you can crack the SSB interview. Before going there you need to know the central Idea behind SSB interview. The SSB board select candidates who correspond suitable to join Indian armed forces in the Indian army Indian Navy, and Indian Air Force.
You can join Indian all forces directly by participating in the SSB interview or by cracking the written exam. There are various exams and methods to take desirable candidates into these esteemed organisations.Get PPDT sample pictures for SSB.
Some well-known processes for admission in Military Academy and other equivalent academies such as NDA exam, TES, BTech entry schemes, CDS, AFCAT, NCC entry etc.
The entire SSB interview selection process is the competition of officers like qualities.
How to Develop Officer Like Qualities?
Defence aspirants who are preparing for SSB interview have the first question in them that how they can develop officer like qualities inside them. The five day SSB interview processes are designed to judge personality traits, adaptability in these forces, leadership ability and another officer like qualities in candidates. We have some questions repeatedly asked in SSB, get these questions.
What are Officer Like Qualities?
There are 15 officers like qualities required to join Indian army forces. The service Selection Board or SSB looks at these officers like qualities during the interview process of a candidate.
The 15 officers like qualities are aggregated to four factors in a normal routine way of life of a candidate.
Four factors for determining offices like quality
- Factor 1- Planning and organisation ability
- Factor 2 – Social adjustment
- Factor 3 – Social effectiveness
- Factor 4 – determination, courage and stamina

15 OLQs in SSB Interview
Effective Intelligence:
The logical skills in candidates are related to basic Intelligence questions associated with real life. These skills can be gained by solving puzzles, verbal and nonverbal reasoning, test series, puzzles and meditation. This can be related to the difficult situation that we face in everyday life and finding the best possible solution by applying our intelligence.
Organization ability
This is an important quality that has value for your recommendation in SSB interview. This is related to organizing resources and human power to bring a great impact. Building a better strategy for organizing things together before making use of available resources comes in organizing ability. Explanations to use generally gained in a candidate while planning for a match, any events such as birthday celebration and anniversary of elders.
Power of expression
It is the test of the ability of a person, his opinion and put their ideas effectively in front of others. Formulating their opinions and ideas crisply is quite important in SSB interview. This skill can be gained through practicing in front of the mirror, expressing opinions and reading newspapers to get a logical overview of the today problem.
Reasoning ability
Whatever candidates are saying in the process of SSB interview they must have a logical reason for that having a practical and logical reply is necessary to the examination. You remain true and honest instead of trying to prove yourself in the interview.
Social adaptability
The service Selection board looks for social adaptability in aspirant and checks whether they are adapted to a new situation and new people. Their ability to trust people and make friends wherever they go. It is also a test of openness and creating an impact on personality.
Social utility is also related to thinking and initiating talk with others.
Sense of responsibility
Sense of responsibility is the ability of a person to execute the dedication to common responsibility they have in life.
Human resource management is one of the key aspects of the armed forces in India. Better teamwork leads to cooperation. An officer in the Indian Air Force must be cooperative to word his fellow officer and team members.
Self-confidence is important for a person in their personality whatever they speak they must have faith and confidence in themselves. Quality of a great leader is to have confidence in themselves so that they can help their teammates to get confidence and motivational strength.
An army guy must have the guts to take the risk for his men. They have the responsibility of various soldier’s family on their shoulder. So taking responsibility is quite necessary for the selection of a candidate in SSB interview. The quality of a leader is to have courage together with take initiative and being diplomatic.
Ability to influence the group
Here the quality of a great leader comes into existence. Beneficiary required to motivate his soldiers and win the enemy in war. The ability to influence a group can only be succeeded by having solid points taken forward effectively.
Speed of making a decision
There is quite a frequent action in army life to take a quick decision that cannot only save the life but also deliver a win in the war. Speed of taking a decision is very important for a candidate in the SSB interview.
A cheerful and happy person spreads positivity everywhere. An officer must be careful and lively in the situation we have the responsibility of many soldiers on them.
Determination is somewhat related to having a clear focus and accomplishing an annoying circumstance. A determined officer must overcome disappointment and be motivated towards his target even it seems too difficult for him.
Courage is the most required quality of an army officer. To take the risk for his subordinates and not having fear on their face. Soldiers cannot follow a coward leader.
An officer must have physical endurance since the total armed force job is about working for the nation. Not why physical stamina is required to crack SSB interview even your mental stamina judged during the selection process.
So this was complete information on officers like qualities or OLQs in SSB selection process. Writing and maintaining PIQ for SSB is necessary in SSB. So you should also work and plan accordingly. These are related to the real-life of a normal individual they are living standard and lifestyle and focus towards their goal. The complete process is an athletics of developing a good personality. Candidates should know this quality interlinked and can only bring through their behavior and performance in natural life and quite hard to fake.